My intention was to send a newsletter, and as always I wanted to write a wee 'low down' at the beginning. It quickly turned into more words than can be justified on a newsletter. I have to confess to being that person sometimes who deletes an email newsletter if there's too much text. And being as there are specific things I want to share I thankfully reminded myself that this is exactly what the blog space is for. To put all the words that are simply too much for a newsletter. And if YOU choose to come looking for the text I might have put in a newsletter then you will find it safe and sound here!
If you knew how many times I'd composed this email (or parts of) in my mind you'd be exhausted. The jotted down ideas and notes in the various 'handy' places that exists around my home and that 'brilliant' thing I was going to share that comes to mind in the moments when I'm supposed to be doing something else. It's true.
My life is ALWAYS rich and full of activity, blessings, insights, breakthroughs and magical moments. In a different world I'd share them all with you and as touched on above, the snippets I choose to share can be found here for you to access if you chose to ;) Thank you x And life being life, it unfolds in ways that don't always expose pockets of time to say, be and do all the things one would like to.
I'm always finding that I've eased into a new way of being, a way that feels familiar yet new. I'm doing less and expecting less of myself. I'm showing up as a parent in a whole new way and being the mother I always wish I'd had. I'm being more present with my babe, with myself and with life. I'm noticing the shape of clouds in the sky, the way people move when they walk and how friends behave when they talk. It's so beautiful.
We even manifested and sourced a TV (2nd hand gifted from my pensioner pal Bob I might add, thanks Bob x :) and it's somehow created more harmony and homeliness in our house. In all my 49 years before now I've never made the conscious choice to have a TV. It's a big deal. I've done loads of things like that, things I never thought I'd do because I thought it would somehow demonize us. Turns out good old balance, boundaries and discipline can be used in relation to anything! And how cool is this, my mate Bobs laptop died and I was able to give him a refurbished one of mine and he's up and running again. Talk about life just working out.

I went on the most gorgeous weekend singing retreat in Dumfries and Galloway held by my pal Daisy and the lush laughing mother Jo Bluett, it was so damn special. 35 women sharing, singing, connecting, laughing and being for 3 full days and nights. It was such a tonic and so needed. To be held and contained in such a precious and safe space by a beautiful sisterhood of women was and is one of the greatest pleasures I've ever known. To witness Daisy and her wing woman Jo shining their lights and facilitating like absolute badasses and witnessing all the women in their raw truths and giving themselves permission to be exactly as they needed to be. That the retreat was situated right after our HUGE trip back to NZ, amidst a fairly 'interesting' return to a new normal and ahead of mine and Amelia's BodyLove retreat in 2 weeks and my very own Bron at the Barns in April, it couldn't have come at a better time. Deep deep deep deep healing happens when we give ourselves permission to step away from our regular lives, to allow those back home to run the fort and to surrender to the gifts on offer in a safe, supported and loving retreat space. Big big things happen in these spaces WHEN WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE OPEN TO RECEIVE AND TO SURRENDER. Ahhh, just got a shiver. I want to share my story of a profound Laughter Yoga experience that happened. Maybe I will and maybe I won't. It of course all depends how life unfolds and when the moment to share presents itself.
Some pretty HUGE things have happened over here this past month; things that have been on the simmer for the past decade and lifetimes. I'm talking lawyers, parenting matters, a son who is THRIVING and blowing my mind in the process AND wait for it...last week after 11 years of following the rules and meeting the requirements to stay in the UK I was granted my flipping Visa.
Calls for an intentional pause, and taking a moment to honour all the ways I've shown up for myself, my son and my community in that time despite all the road bumps.
This means so much!
My priorities this year are sorting out co-parenting matters, supporting my son to Thrive, reclaiming brain space with faith that something EXTRAORDINARY awaits me and ideally start working with groups of children in volunteer & paid Wellbeing roles... watch this space. Children were my chosen group to work with about 25yrs ago, interesting that I'm circling back there in this time. I feel changes happening and I'm welcoming them all. The awkward, the bleary eyed, the breath stoppers and the sheer wonderment of life.
I've become a 'Self Care Queen', I'm talking massages, reflexology, attending a singing retreat, acupuncture, daily & 1-2-1 yoga, body work sessions, stopping to enjoy a cup to tea, time in nature, the cold pod, coming off socials (this has been a huge game changer! So so so pleased I done it)!
I also started working with 2 new 1-2-1 dreamy coaching clients. My soul is on fire with what is possible after our 12 months working together. If you're one of the 2 and you're reading this email - I AM SOOOOO EXCITED TO BE DOING THIS WORK WITH YOU. I love you and all that you are allowing yourself to become and for all the ways you're willing to show up for yourself X
Hey something cool just happened. I'm noticing how leaving a space/pause between communications/blogs/posts/newsletters that it puts me in a better position to distill the update. I do love a detail, it helps me to write at length in order to make sense of whatever I'm dealing with. In this moment I'm curious as to how you as a reader feel about this?

Are you the kind of person who loves going deep or does the executive summary suffice? Maybe you're partial to a bit of both.
I'm grateful for this blog as somewhere to deposit my musings (instead of loads of pieces of paper showing up everywhere in my life) and somewhere for my stories' to be found in the world, I'm certain my words will make their way into a book or more someday and this space was always a place to store them in the meantime.
For the time being my energy is else where. But as a young lover longs to be back in the arms of their valentine I long to be back in the zone where I can share more of the magic that gets cooked up in my mind. I'm excited to back to that space. And hey, thanks to you if you're waiting there for me too x
Such is life. And life is good. And change is in the air. And change leads to growth!
I hope this email finds you well, warm and restored in all the ways your body, mind, emotions and soul crave.
x Bron (& my babe)